Y Day of Giving 2024 blog | West Suburban YMCA

Y Day of Giving

Mar 01, 2024

On Tuesday, March 5th, our Y will be participating in the Y Day of Giving, when we will raise awareness of the life-changing impact of the Y and invite donations to help advance our mission.

For the Y Day of Giving, our fundraising will support two of our critical programs: Childcare and Livestrong at the YMCA. Our childcare programs support working families so that kids can grow and learn at the Y, and parents can work, knowing their children are safe and happy. Nearly half of our students rely on financial assistance in order to participate. Livestrong at the YMCA is a 12-week program for cancer survivors, which enables them to build physical and emotional strength while fostering strong connections with others. It is offered free of charge, removing one barrier during an already challenging time. We are excited to launch Livestrong at the Wells Ave YMCA for the first time this spring.

We rely on charitable gifts from families like yours to enable these critical, mission-driven programs. On the Y Day of Giving, our goal is for 120 members to donate to the Annual Campaign. We hope you’ll join us! Help us get a jump start by making a donation here. Thank you for helping make the Y community such a special one.